May 24 – We will be carefully opening up the church for Sunday worship. We have been praying over, and planning how this will take place.
If you are not comfortable coming, or are sick please continue to stay home. We will continue to live stream the service on Sunday mornings at 10am.
We will not be having Sunday School until fall.
At this time we will not be having Nursery services either.
We are seeking to limit our time together, but we know the necessity of meeting together.
We will have hand sanitizer available.
Wearing a mask is not required, if it makes you feel more comfortable then by all means do so.
We will also forgo the hand shaking time.
We will not be serving coffee or goodies.
We will continue to encourage social distancing. Family units can sit together, but please maintain space between other members.
The church will be sanitized after every gathering for the safety of all who come.
We recognize that some in our community may not agree with the decision. We are not trying to flaunt our rights, but we also believe that it is the church that needs to carefully and graciously lead the way forward. Please continue to pray that we are wise in our continuing response.
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