60/60 Challenge
You are invited to take the 60/60 challenge, which is to set aside 60 seconds a day for 60 days to pray for God’s grace and mercy to be displayed through SonRise.
Learn about what’s going on at SonRise.
You are invited to take the 60/60 challenge, which is to set aside 60 seconds a day for 60 days to pray for God’s grace and mercy to be displayed through SonRise.
Thursday, Jan 19, 6:45 p.m.
The amazing thing is that He has chosen to invite us to be part of this amazing redemptive story. God sent men to confront the culture and call the people back.
Trial period for 2 services begins Jan 8 with services at 9 and 10:30 AM, with Sunday school at 9:15and coffee and fellowship at 10:00.
This week I have been thinking about Acts 2 where we find the beginning of the New Testament church. God moved upon the hearts of men and women.
This is the time that we as the people of God set aside time to remember that God came to dwell among His people. It was the first step on earth of God providing the rescue of mankind from sin.
Make plans to join us on Christmas Eve!
We are confronted with 5 important words: In the beginning God created.
On Sept 11, we will implement “The Story” in our Sunday school and small group fellowships.