Graduation Sunday
Join us during our worship time on Sunday, May 20 at 10:30 as we recognize and pray for our high school graduates.
Learn about what’s going on at SonRise.
Join us during our worship time on Sunday, May 20 at 10:30 as we recognize and pray for our high school graduates.
Campers…GET READY ! Register for summer camp online at with Early Bird discounts available through April 30th. Scholarship forms are also available at the church. Don’t miss out the awesome times!
This week we encounter Paul’s story of suffering and seek to understand what motivated him to endure such suffering. And we will connect this with God’s glory and purpose in allowing suffering in our lives.I hope to see you there.
Kathy Austvold, who is an EFCA District Missions Mobilizer and ReachGlobal Asia Justice Initiative team member, will be the guest speaker at our MOMs Spring Tea on Tuesday, May 1st at 9:15 AM. This wraps up our MOMs program for the school year.
Join us for a clean-up around the outside of our church building on Tuesday, May 1st, at 5:00 PM.
This week, we will see how God desires us to represent him in our culture. Many say that we are to confront our culture, and others would argue that we are to be separate from our culture. How then are we to be witnesses of God’s grace and truth in
Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends
of the earth? Join us as we find challenge
and encouragement from an event in Paul’s
life and his instructions to the Corinthian
Last week we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus. In the following 40 days, Jesus presented himself to over 500 witnesses and taught his disciples about the Kingdom of God.
Youth Group will wrap up April 18 with a scavenger hunt
April 18th is our final night of Awana for the school year, and we’ll be handing out awards for book completion as well as participation.
The death, burial, and resurrection of Christ is the center point of all history.