Sunday School
Today is the last day of Sunday school for this school year. We will resume classes again in September.
Learn about what’s going on at SonRise.
Today is the last day of Sunday school for this school year. We will resume classes again in September.
We will have a baptism next Sunday, May 5th, at the Dekko Center from noon to 1:00, with a potluck fellowship dinner to follow at SonRise.
Our culture loves to minimize pain. If it hurts,…..
Please join us on Thursday morning, May 2nd, at SonRise to pray for our country, the time to be announced later.
…..we could still use a chair or small couch, end tables, and a dresser.
Do you ever have “Why me?” moments?
Watch here. Clayton’s Story used in Pastor Dave’s sermon on April 14, 2013
This is a letter that will encourage us to live the true grace of the gospel even if we face hostility at the hands of family, friends, coworkers, and government.
….but we could still use a chair or small couch, end tables, and a dresser
Our next congregational meeting will be on Monday, April 22nd, at 7 PM at SonRise. Everyone is welcome to attend.