Family Camp
Family Camp at CBC will be July 4th-7th this year.
Learn about what’s going on at SonRise.
Family Camp at CBC will be July 4th-7th this year.
Cooperstown Bible Camp’s summer camp theme this year is “Taste and See”, from Psalm 34:8.
Continuing in 1 Peter, we will explore how our salvation and calling is to intersect with those around us.
The surprise party Monday
We all know that the cross is central to our message. With passages that talk about the precious blood of Christ that was offered for us, we are continually reminded that this gift of salvation was costly.
Look and read all about the summer Bible study opportunities coming our way! Remember that opportunities don’t wait, they pass. So, please don’t miss out.
Pizza Corner pizza in Valley City from 2-8 PM on July 6th.
Over these last few weeks we have been exploring what it means to live as an exile in this world. We have been called by God’s mercy to a living hope.
There are many things that seek to distract us from living out the truth of the gospel.
How do you feel about the circumstances in which you find yourself? What emotions do these circumstances create in you? Your family? How are they affecting your view of God?