A Note from our Pastor

The stability of any structure depends on the integrity of the foundation. With that goal in mind we have sought to take the necessary steps to repair the foundations for our families. In keeping with that purpose, our next phase will focus on marriage. Marriage has been marginalized and redefined in our culture. Divorce is …

Persecuted Christians

Pray for Christians in Egypt who are being threatened for their faith. Pray also for American Pastor Saeed Abedini, wrongfully imprisoned in Iran for over a year. Though he has been moved to the political prisoners’ ward, his life is still in danger. His health is deteriorating from internal injuries received from beatings. A prison …

A Note from our Pastor

This week we will continue our study of Homeland Security. Just as there is a crisis of manhood in our culture, so too, there is a crisis of womanhood. There has been a progressive move to minimize the differences between men and women. This ideology has had devastating effects on the family, marriage, and the …

A Note from our Pastor

Our culture is in a crisis. Not to make light of the economic struggles of our current climate, but the problem goes much deeper than our bank accounts. It is a crisis that affects the church and our families. We are in a cri- sis today over understanding true manhood and womanhood. The Newsweek cover …

Start your Engines! Awana Grand Prix Feb 19.

Join us for the Awana Grand Prix on Wednesday, February 19th, starting at 6:00 PM at the NCWE gym. Participants should arrive by 5:30 for registration and tweaking. There will be no Junior High Youth Group or regular Awana Club that night. See Jodi Harrington if you still need a car kit.

Adult Sunday School

On February 16th, a new adult Sunday school class will begin on the book of Galatians, which will be led by Jeff Petry. See Jeff or Pastor Dave for more info.

Elder Installation

Join us on February 9 as we include prayer and installation during our worship service for our recently elected elders.They are Duane Hoven, Lonnie Knoell, Rick Spieler, Richard Tuttle, and Brian Witthoeft.

Awana Team Meeting Feb 9

The Awana team will be meeting after the worship service on Feb 9. A meal will be provided. We will be planning for the Grand Prix and Awana Sunday, as well as reviewing the year so far and having a time of prayer.