Easter Breakfast
Come have breakfast with us as we celebrate the risen Lord. The men of SonRise will be serving breakfast before our worship service on Easter morning, April 20th.
Come have breakfast with us as we celebrate the risen Lord. The men of SonRise will be serving breakfast before our worship service on Easter morning, April 20th.
I want to invite you all to join me this week as we turn our sights toward Calvary. We are going to take a look at a number of indi- viduals who encountered the Savior, leading up to the crucifixion and following the resurrection. Our goal in this is to see the grace and mercy …
This week we wrap up our study on Homeland Security. It has been quite a journey. I hope that this study has challenged and encouraged you. As we bring this study to a close, we want to help you and your family fulfill the purpose for which God has called you. There is a danger …
The two day event—Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage, with Mark Gungor is coming Friday night March 14th and Saturday morning, March 15th to Fargo. The cost is $29 per person. To register or for more info, go to this link: Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage
On Sunday, March 30th, we will celebrate what God is doing through Awana at SonRise. Following our worship service, we plan to have a potluck fellowship dinner. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Casting Crowns, along with guests Laura Story and For King and Country, will perform at the Fargodome on April 8th at 7:00 PM. You can purchase tickets by following this link: Casting Crowns
MN FOODSHARE MARCH CAMPAIGN Valley Food Shelf in Ada is once again participating in the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign, which allows for matching funds for all donations in the month of March. If you would like to help, please place your food or paper product donations under the back table. Monetary gifts may be given …
OPEN DOORS NEEDS Project Community Connect, an event to help the homeless, will be taking place at the Fargodome on Wednesday, March 12th, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The Open Doors minis- try will again be giving away socks, Bibles, and small toiletries (travel or hotel sized) to people who visit their booth. If …
A NOTE FROM OUR PASTOR Our study continues this week as we look at the necessity of discipleship being centralized in the home. Our families are con- stantly bombarded under the instructing influences of the culture around us. Yet somehow we often think that if we “just get them to church” they will be okay. …
During the week on March 5th there will be no Awana or Junior High Youth Group as we make allowance for families to attend Ash Wednesday services together. We will resume our regular schedule on the 12th.