Stuff the Truck

On Saturday, May 3rd, from 11:00-2:00, Life 97.9 invites you to bring your donations of gently used household items (excluding large appliances) and clothing to the big truck parked at Luther Family Ford in Fargo. These donations will help stock the shelves of the New Life Center Thrift Store. This is a great chance to …

Easter Weekend Schedule

April 18th—Good Friday, 7 PM. Richard Tuttle will be speaking. April 20th—Easter breakfast, 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Worship service **Note time change. No Sunday school.

Quarterly Business Meeting

The elders have set the date for our next quarterly congregational business meeting for Sunday, April 13th, following our worship service and fellowship dinner.

A Note from our Pastor

This week we will examine another encounter with Jesus on this road to the cross. We are all familiar with the account between Pilate and Jesus. The Apostles’ Creed declares that Jesus “suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.” Yet it is the conversation between these two that will be our focus …

Easter Holiday Schedule

Join us on Good Friday and again on Easter morning. On April 18, Richard Tuttle will be speaking at the Good Friday service. Morning breakfast will be served on Easter morning starting at 8:00 am and our worship service begins at 10:30.

CBC Summer Camps

Cooperstown Bible Camp has summer camping brochures available.Register Here for Cooperstown Bible Camp. Register by April 15th for a discount!

A Note from our Pastor

We all have a habit of calculating the self- benefit of any activity. This selfishness is seared into our DNA and shapes the motives and actions that we pursue daily. Yet when we encounter the Savior, he has a habit of turning our world upside down. The passion and devotion which shapes one who has …


SUNDAY, March 29, we celebrate what God is doing through Awana at SonRise. Join us before the worship service for cupcakes and coffee. During the worship service, clubbers will be reciting Bible verses that they have memorized this year. Following the service, we plan to have a potluck fellowship dinner. Everyone is welcome to attend!

A Note from our Pastor

Many people evaluate their lives and find themselves dissatisfied. Dissatisfied with decisions made by our elected officials. Disatisfied with their jobs, their marriages, their choices, their lives. That dissatisfaction drives us to jump from one thing to the next in hopes of finding peace, joy, and contentment. We look for something that will transform our …