A Note from our Pastor

There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They them- selves are equally pleased by both errors…”C.S. Lewis, Preface to The Screwtape Letters). This week …

May Events

May 8—Bridges Bible Study May 18—Grad. Open House for Courtney Nepstad, 2-5 PM @ Trollwood May 20—DAC Bible Study May 25—Missions Brunch, 9:00 AM May 25—Graduation @ Ada-Borup, NCW,& Park Christian; Open house for Tommy Roesch @ Roesch farm following ceremony

Northern Plains District Conference

The Northern Plains District Conference of the EFCA will be held May 1-3 at First Evangelical Free Church in Bismarck, ND. The conference features Larry Osborne, Senior Pastor of North Coast Church in Vista, CA and author of several books. To register, go to NORTHERN PLAINS DISTRICT CONFERENCE.

Sunday School

Sunday, May 4th, will be our last day of Sunday school for this school year. Thank you to Beth Nepstad for overseeing our Christian Ed so effectively!

A Note from our Pastor

Loss. We deal to some extent with loss every day. We find ourselves failing to walk in obedience to the commands of our Lord. Some of those failures seem small, but some seem mountainous. Those opportunities to obey can never be retrieved or taken back. And as Pastor Tim Keller says, “The older we all …

New SonRise Editor

Jesse Larson will be the new editor of the Horizons, calendar, and bulletin, beginning May 1st. To submit info to him, you can email him at sonrisenews@outlook.com

Wednesday Ministries

Awana and Jr. High Youth Group will wrap up for the school year this Wednesday, the 23rd. We’ll have a special award ceremony at Awana, followed by root beer floats served in the NCWE cafeteria.

Irreplaceable, The Movie

Focus on the Family is bringing the movie, Irreplaceable, to the Century 10 Theater in Fargo on Tuesday, May 6th at 7:30 PM for one showing only. Irreplaceable is a feature- length documentary which explores the importance of the family. To view the movie trailer or purchase tickets ahead of time, go to http://www.irreplaceablethemovie.com

Stuff the Truck

On Saturday, May 3rd, from 11:00-2:00, Life 97.9 invites you to bring your donations of gently used household items (excluding large appliances) and clothing to the big truck parked at Luther Family Ford in Fargo. These donations will help stock the shelves of the New Life Center Thrift Store. This is a great chance to …