A Note from our Pastor

As I have thought about the events of the last few weeks, one thing that seems to be clear is that communication is an issue. People from both sides of the spectrum often talk past one another. We don’t often stop to listen, before we charge ahead and throw our “two-cents” into the ring. I …

May 24

May 24 – We will be carefully opening up the church for Sunday worship. We have been praying over, and planning how this will take place. If you are not comfortable coming, or are sick please continue to stay home. We will continue to live stream the service on Sunday mornings at 10am. We will …

Drive in church

We will plan to meet again on May 10th at the Norman County Fairgrounds to worship together – yet separate. If the weather is too bad, we will move over to the church parking lot and broadcast from inside the building. Service will start at 10 am. You can tune in on your fm radio …

Drive in Church

DRIVE IN CHURCH April 26th. We will meet again at the Norman County Fairgrounds to worship together – yet separate. Service will start at 10 am. You can tune to 88.1 while parked at the fairgrounds and join is singing and studying together. Please help us pass the word!

Covid-19 info

Due to the current Covid-19 outbreak church activities are temporarily suspended. Please check our homepage for online worship.

Easter Services

Good Friday Service – Live stream 7 pm April 10.  Join us as we remember Christ’s crucifixion.  I would encourage you to have a piece of bread/cracker and some juice(what ever you happen to have on hand will work given our present circumstances) available as we will attempt to celebrate communion together.   Easter Sunday …

A note from our Pastor

Good afternoon family, Just wanted to update you on the live streaming.  We are in the process of linking our sermon stream to both Youtube and Facebook.  Check out the pages and look for the live stream at any one of the following options.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPuFL5ktgVTOl1gsVqhsH7w/featured?disable_polymer=1https://www.facebook.com/SonRise-EFC-164963406901380/?ref=bookmarksYou can also download the sermon.net app to your phone or tablet and subscribe to …


At this time we do not have an online giving option in place.  We would encourage you to continue your giving by dropping it in the mail.  If you have a key and access to the church, please feel free to do that as well.   You can mail your offerings to the church at: …