A Note from our Pastor
God has amazingly declared us righteous not because of any good we have done, but because of Christ.
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God has amazingly declared us righteous not because of any good we have done, but because of Christ.
Cooperstown Bible Camp has geared up for another great summer of youth camps!
This week,we will look at the sealing of the believer by the Holy Spirit. What does this mean, and what are some implications of this truth to our lives? Who are we in Christ?
http://www.startribune.com/lifestyle/154587025.html Check out the Star Tribune’s write up on The Table Project and the impact it is making in local churches.
Join us for our 10:00 fellowship time before the service each Sunday. We are looking forward to visiting with you!
Do you take your redemption from sin for granted?It is my prayer that as we gather this week we will find hope and challenge to live our lives in a manner that makes much of God’s gracious gifts. I hope that you choose to join us. Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it!
Our goal as we encounter God’s word will be to see what an amazing gift of grace this is and to seek to understand what this means for our daily walk. I invite you to join us again this week to find encouragement in the truth that he chose you!
TODAY, May 27th, we will recognize our SonRise high school graduates during the church service. Special refreshments will be served before the service. Congratulations to Kaitlyn, Keely, Tate, Evan, and Nick !
In these recent days with the debate surrounding homosexual marriage, the Republican, Democrat, or Tea Party debate, and the “haves” versus the “have nots”, there seems to be an unanswered question.
Please join us for our congregational business meeting at the church on Monday, May 21st at 7 PM.