Visiting Missionaries
Bill and Peggy will be at SonRise on September 22nd .
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Bill and Peggy will be at SonRise on September 22nd .
We welcome visiting pastors in the next 2 weeks while our Pastor Dave is vacationing with his family.
This week we seek to understand what Peter means by the phrase arm yourself with the same way of thinking (1 Pet. 4:1).
United Blood Services on Monday, August 26th, from 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM, at Grace Lutheran Church in Ada.
School session is here, and needs for Tabitha’s Closet are increasing.
When was the last time you experienced suffering for something you did right?
With school starting soon, we will have a need for boys’ or girls’ tennis shoes. We also need middle elementary age girls’ clothing. For more info, contact Beth Nepstad at 701-799- 3844.
Have you ever stopped to wonder about some of the statements we make as followers of Christ? One that I have wrestled with and continue to wrestle with is found in this week’s text.
•Women’s Retreat—September 20-22 •Father-Son Retreat—September 27-28 •Autummatics—October 18-20 •Faithful Friends Banquet—November 23
With school starting soon, we will have a need for boys’ or girls’ tennis shoes.