A Note from our Pastor

  Over these last couple of weeks we have been exploring the idea of a hunger for God. We know that we have been created to find our satisfaction in Him, but we find ourselves disillusioned and disappointed at our lack of this experience. As we prepare for our time together this week where we …

Youth Group

  Youth Group will be meeting Sunday, Nov 17 at 6:30 PM at SonRise. All students in grades 7-12 are welcome to attend.


To catch up on all the news and events of SonRise, go to the News/Events tab on the menu bar.

A Note from our Pastor

  This Sunday is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Even though we live in relative comfort and safety, many followers of Christ around the world live under the threat of great persecution. The Voice of the Martyrs sets aside a Sunday in November to spotlight the struggle of our brothers and …

Operation Christmas Child

  Sunday, November 17th, will be our shoe box collection and dedication at SonRise. Your gifts of school supplies, toys, and other fun items will bless children around the world, as well as giving them a chance to hear the gospel. You can use regular or plastic shoe boxes, and we also have some OCC …

A Note from our Pastor

I am excited to gather this week. As a pastor, it is always exciting to have someone tell me that they feel God might be calling them to something more. When that occurs, it is our responsibility and privilege to help explore, encourage, and equip that individual to be obedient. This is our opportunity this …

Tabitha Closet Update

  Here are the latest needs for Tabitha’s Closet: elementary girls’ jeans (size 6 or 6X, especially); size 12 little girls’ and size 4 youth girls’ winter boots; size 10/12 girls’ winter coat; 2 sets of twin sheets; size 16 and 18 women’s jeans; size M teen (men’s) winter coat; size 6 1/2-7 women’s winter …