New Hours for the Closet
Tabitha’s Closet has new hours : open every first and third Friday of the month from 1-5 PM for clients.
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Tabitha’s Closet has new hours : open every first and third Friday of the month from 1-5 PM for clients.
We serve an amazing God who desires to involve us in history. Last week we were challenged to evaluate our journey with Christ. Have you had a chance to get alone with God and take inventory? How did you fare?
The next Bridges Bible Study will be held on Thursday, January 9th, at 1:30 pm.
Awana and Jr. High Youth Group will resume regular Wednesday night activities this week on the 8th. Awana leaders, please mark your calendars for a team meeting on Sunday, January 26th, following our worship service. A meal will be provided. RSVP to Jodi Harrington.
We will be having a week of prayer January 13th-17th. On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 7 PM, we will gather at the church for a time of focused prayer for our families, church, community, and God’s gracious leading throughout this next year. We will have a short challenge from God’s word each night …
A NOTE FROM OUR PASTOR I hope you all have had a great week celebrating with your family and friends. I want to take just a moment to say thank you to all of you for this past year. We close out an- other year this week, and it should cause us to pause and …
Today the children’s and teen classes will be practicing for the Christmas program during the Sunday school hour. They will present the program during our worship service beginning at 10:30. Please join us for refreshments afterwards.
Over these last few weeks we have been looking at God’s promise to Israel of better days coming. We have tried to show that the promise is not just for Israel in the future, but for us today as well. I hope that you have been challenged and encouraged to read and study these great …
We will be having a week of prayer January 13th-17th. On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 7 PM, we will gather at the church for a time of focused prayer for our families, church, community, and God’s gracious leading throughout this next year. We will have a short challenge from God’s word each night …